Discover my journey so far

Hey there! I’m Meruyert
An AI expert with a Bachelor’s degree in Finance and a Master’s degree in International Business. I’ve always been passionate about the global business world, dreaming of working for an international company, making a real impact on a global scale.
After working a traditional job for a few years, I realized it wasn’t quite the fulfilling experience I’d hoped for. Something was missing. I longed for more flexibility, more control over my time, and a more direct connection to my work. That’s when I started exploring the world of online opportunities.
The first venture I tried was selling on Amazon. I was excited about the potential to build my own business, achieve financial independence, and reach a global audience. I had some good sales, but unfortunately, poor planning and a lack of experience kept me from scaling the business. I had to close it down, but the experience taught me valuable lessons.
After that, I continued to explore new opportunities, experimenting with different online ventures and learning new skills. But nothing truly clicked. I kept searching for that spark, that feeling of being truly passionate about what I was doing.
And then, I discovered AI. It was like a light bulb going off. Suddenly, everything made sense. I knew that AI had the potential to transform industries, solve complex problems, and create a more efficient and connected world.
I’m all about harnessing the power of AI to streamline processes – whether it’s generating content that sparks interest, automating tasks that eat up time, or building custom GPTs for unique needs.
Last year, I took a deep dive into Midjourney, but ultimately, I realized my true passion lies in the technical side of things. I love the challenge of building and refining AI bots, and seeing them come to life in social media channels, websites, and even CRMs.
You won’t find me on a YouTube channel or Instagram feed – I’m more of an introvert, happiest behind the scenes, tinkering with code and finding creative solutions.
But don’t think I’m all work and no play! I’m a huge fan of learning new things (especially when it comes to AI!), and I always have a good book on the go. Plus, nothing beats the feeling of jotting down ideas in my trusty notebook – it’s like a breath of fresh air for my brain. Oh, and I absolutely love to travel!
My goal is to help experts and businesses like yours optimize their processes, automate tasks, and reduce those pesky operational costs.
Why did I start this website? Because working online is my dream job! It gives me the freedom I crave – freedom in time, location, and money. Plus, as a mom of three amazing kids, I wanted them to have an online presence from a young age. I even started developing a fashion blog for my eldest daughter when she was 4 (back in 2013!). I bought all these beautiful clothes for the blog’s photoshoots, but she was just too young. She would always cry and complain about being tired. So, I had to let go of that idea. But my youngest daughter, who’s 7 now, has her own YouTube and TikTok blog where she creates videos about different types of games. She even has 1,540 YouTube subscribers in her gaming channel!
I also realized that the online world offered so much potential for building an international community. I’ve always been fascinated by different cultures and languages, and I wanted to connect with people from all walks of life. That’s why I decided to focus on building my blog within an international community.
So, if you’re looking for a little AI magic to boost your productivity or efficiency, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s explore the possibilities together!
If you’re ready to unlock the power of AI to transform your business, streamline your work, and make a real impact, I invite you to explore this blog. You’ll find articles on AI development, custom AI solutions, and practical tips for incorporating AI into your workflow. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, I’m here to help you navigate the exciting world of artificial intelligence.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about my story. I hope we can connect and explore the future of AI together!